At the stage of the present development of a new image of a new world, we reach the point where the Christian, not only him, but especially him is obliged to protest. Our voice has become all too feeble and timid in this regard over the last decades. It is certain that history must never be simply reduced to silence: one cannot, it is not allowed, reduce liberty to silence. This is the illusion of the Utopians.
— Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Rome April 25, 1997

The “illusion of the Utopians” is underway in America, with the cloth face mask as the symbol of the censorship. In his brilliant book, The Hidden Face of the United Nations, Michel Schooyans accurately predicted the Great Reset Rollout in the new Millennium:

The Millennium is being used by the UN as a new occasion to reaffirm its habitual goals: sustainable development, control of the population, of health, of knowledge, of resources, of international exchanges and the rights of man. “Sharing responsibility” is a new booby-trapped expression indicating that the UN is no longer satisfied to play a subsidiary role. It intends to place itself at the center of world power and to equip itself, little by little, with all the apparatus of control which it needs to exercise what it believes to be its mission during the Millennium.

Schooyans warns that the UN in its lofty sounding document, the Earth Charter, confirms that “the UN is determined to deify the Earth and desacralize man.” Instantly, the refrain of Bergoglio comes to mind as he laments the “cry of Mother Earth.” Whatever is this cry of Mother Earth? Why is Bergoglio anointing nature with human characteristics?

Anthropomorphizing nature is strategically deployed to replace man from the center of creation. The Pachamama pagan ritual underscores this Gaia celebratory love-in now on display in this Francis papacy. The Incas, who glorify nature and yet, in some parts, still practice human sacrifice. Their pagan goddess graces the Vatican gardens as the new Catholic model of liturgical worship. This replacement of man with nature is the continuing theme in the climate change delirium. Again, Schooyans captures this facile sleight of hand by the UN:

“According to the UN, man is an ephemeral particle in the cosmos. He is no longer at the heart of time open to the beyond; he is the product of evolution; he is made for death. He is no longer a person, but an individual more or less useful and in search of pleasure. Men are not able to recognize truth and bring their conduct into line with it. The new ideology that underlies these so-called ‘new rights” is holistic. All is in all: man has no reality apart from his insertion into Mother Earth, Gaia, whom he must reverence. Therefore, man must accept the constraints imposed on him by the ecosystem that transcends him. He will have to accept a supranational technocracy which, making up the “Lights,” will dictate to States what they must do, and to individuals what they must think.”

As early as 2001, Schooyans captures today’s present reality in his brilliant description of the totalitarian ideology:

“The totalitarian ideology is the drug that kills the capacity of distinguishing the true from the false, the good from the evil, and that inculcates with an ersatz truth, habitually under the form of utopia.”

Schooyans is describing modernity’s “fake news” and technology’s “fact checkers.” In order to achieve totalitarian dominance, the truth must be suppressed at all costs. Thus, the schizophrenic society of totalitarianism imposes strict censorship, propaganda and mind think on the population. What was once good is now evil, what was true is now false or fake news, and additionally, a manufactured reality is created in its place. Cynicism and suspicion dominate the populace into complacency.

The globalist playbook lays out the plans and the strategy of the Great Reset. In his own version of Das Kapital, Klaus Schwab, the CEO of the World Economic Forum (Davos), and author of COVID-19, THE GREAT RESET, Schwab arrogantly rewrites history and preordains the future.

“Not AD and BC, but BC and AC (Before Covid and After Covid) And folks, it is going to happen FAST, Rapidly. Unforeseen outcomes. A new normal.”

How’s that for cunning totalitarianism and witless hubris from our global betters? Schwab has restructured the timeline of history, determined the speed of events, and predicted outcomes for mankind. As a matter of fact, (although facts are casualties of the Great Reset), Herr Schwab sounds as if he knows the future plans. Perhaps, he does. It has been suggested that the secret Davos meetings of the global elites discuss and orchestrate how to submit the herd into compliance and obedience. Herr Schwab is clearly in charge of the trajectory of our lives:

“The pandemic gives us this chance: it represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world”.

The pandemic is an “opportunity,” Klaus? You are mimicking your fellow elite comrade, George Soros who recognized opportunity in chaos, likewise, Rahm Emanuel boasted that one should “never let a serious crisis go to waste.” Schwab, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey are among the cunning totalitarians taking advantage of the covid crisis. They seek to force humanity to walk in lockstep, following their dictates, masked and muzzled. Yet, the antidote of the Great Reset remains in the response of Christians, according to Schooyans:

“The Christian must therefore reject all conformity: he cannot adopt either the behavior or attitudes characteristic of the world. He must reject all opportunism that would lead him to ‘“speak like the world”: or to “form disparate fellowships with nonbelievers.” He must also reject any ambiguity with regard to his beliefs: ‘let your speech be yea, yea; no, no; anything beyond that comes from the Evil One.”

Let us have no illusions about the diabolical plans of these men. Trials and persecution lie ahead. We must resist. As Cardinal Ratzinger urged, we have an obligation as Christians to resist. Schooyans described this resistance:

“First the duty of passive resistance, and even at times active, to unjust laws and orders; then the global duty of resistance to those agents who push society toward organizing itself in a manner hostile to life. Christians are sent into the world to change it and to be witnesses to both the truth and to love.”

*Michel Schooyans, The Hidden Face of the United Nations

Elizabeth Yore