PsyOps at the Vatican-What is going on? The Walls are Closing in on Dr. Fauci. The Vatican is trying to prop up Fauci! Americans aren’t buying his spin.

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The Vatican Conference 2021 logo is a tacky and crass revision of the Sistine Chapel’s Michelangelo’s masterpiece, The Last Judgment. Specifically, the logo zeroes in on the powerful artistic rendering of The Creation of Adam; the moment when God breathed life into Adam, represented by the touching of the fingers. The Vatican’s crude appropriation of the image displays a politically correct white and black arm, both properly and antiseptically covered with rubber gloves, presumably as a precaution for the dangerous covid virus.

The Vatican conference logo is flush with virtue signaling. The newly reframed Michelangelo masterpiece morphs into a rendition that is race inclusive and covid compliant. In the upper left hand corner is clearly an LGBT rainbow of people with the HASHTAG tagline #UNITETOPREVENT. The Francis Vatican is sending the message that it is modern, hip, inclusive, woke, safe and unCatholic.

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The original Michelangelo masterpiece, The Creation of Adam, which is displayed on the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Beauty is the casualty of the Great Reset.

The Vatican Conference on Exploring the Mind, Body and Soul on May 6-8 belongs in the satirical annals of Babylon Bee. Bergoglio and his minions have compiled a mind boggling list of celebrity media types, Hollywood stars, and global goons. Make no mistake that this conference is a classic globalist Psy Ops masquerading as a serious health conference. Simply skim the Conference agenda and lineup of 114 speakers and New Age topics. The Conference should be held at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, not the Holy See, the universal center of the Catholic Church.

Over the last 8 years, the Vatican under Pope Bergoglio has deployed the Holy See as the launching pad and platform for the one world religion of the Great Reset. He parrots the lingo of the globalists, Build Back Better. He promotes only the leftist causes. He relies on the globalists while censuring any other contrary opinion. As a result, truth, faith, and beauty are the casualties of this papacy. Under his tutelage, Catholicism is diminished, marginalized, and disparaged. The faith appears nowhere in the conference materials.

Below are his conference goals. They express globalist gibberish, not the Catholic ethic of life which should be paramount in a conference on health. The Bergoglian papacy speaks in new age pablum of consciousness. Note the failure to mention Jesus, God, Catholicism, salvation, faith or religion in the globalist goals of this conference:

• Unite people and promote a culture of collaboration by stimulating an open dialogue and encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to tackle major health care challenges around the globe. Enrich the human experience by bringing together people of diverse backgrounds and religions and advocating for the vulnerable.

• Translate complex science into accessible language to catalyze the conversation and inform the general public on the progress made in finding cures for many intractable diseases and the financial, social and societal implications of doing so.

• Examine the mind, body and soul interaction and discuss what it means to be human, and how transformative medical technologies are raising new challenges around human enhancement and the interpretation of the mind, body and soul.

• Discuss the effects of emerging medical technologies and their anthropological, ethical, cultural, religious and societal implications.

• Explore the field of neurocognitive sciences and traditional ideas about consciousness, human identity and our uniqueness, and explore how new technology, data and artificial intelligence can improve and extend health care.

• Facilitate a conversation and “a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet (...) which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all,” embracing the Pope’s teachings expressed in Laudato Si,’ LS 14.

• Inspire people to be more empathic, caring and helpful to one another.

• Initiate the global #UniteToPrevent campaign and promote preventative measures and contribute to reducing the social disparity in health care.

• Discuss holistic approaches to disease treatments and the mental and emotional aspects of chronic diseases.

How could the Vatican be so unaware of the laughingstock they have become?

Faltering Fauci Propped up by the Vatican

Americans grow skeptical of Fauci, his Vaccine, masking mandate, and the Great Reset, while the Vatican forges ahead.

It’s obvious that the target audience for this conference are American Catholics. The reason? The only moderators are American high profile media personalities like Katie Couric, Robin Robinson, Meredith Veira, Amy Robach, and Sanjay Gupta. This lineup assures that the U.S. mainstream media will enthusiastically cover the event and use the event to pressure the skeptical American public to accept globalism and the upcoming covid great reset.

The Walls are closing in on Anthony Fauci

The controversial and disreputable Dr. Anthony Fauci kicks off the conference addressing the benign topic of Shaping the Future of Health Care for a Healthier World. Hopefully, Fauci will have recovered from the Rep.Jim Jordan grilling and public scorning. Rest assured, the Vatican is a very safe space for Tony Fauci. There won’t be any tough questioning of the origins of the virus, his grant funding of the gain of function at the Wuhan virology Lab, or metrics when the U.S. can reopen and unmask.

Perhaps, St. Tony Fauci will be beatified during his visit to the Holy See? Tony’s cohort, Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institute of Health will also address the conference. Dr. Collins has long been an advocate of fetal tissue research. It won’t bother the open and inclusive Bergoglian Vatican. Neither will they be uncomfortable that other speakers are CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna, which produces and markets abortion pills or aborted fetal cells. There is not one prominent pro life advocate among the 114 speakers.

The Great Clinton Reset

Another curious speaker who is headlining the conference is Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary. What pray tell is Chelsea’s expertise in healthcare? It doesn’t really matter. The conference provides the opportunity for the great reset debut of the rich white heiress to the Clinton political dynasty. Did Hillary’s close friend, Lynn de Rothschild request from the Vatican a prime speaking engagement for Chelsea? After all, Lynn’s Council for Inclusive Capitalism just brokered an important alliance with the Vatican and Pope Francis.

The Role of Celebrities

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Over the last 8 years, the Bergoglio Vatican is known for its welcoming and highlighting globalist celebrities. Francis understands the power, sway and wealth of celebrities. Pope Bergoglio revels in the rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Here are just a few of the glitz and glamour of Hollywood that visit to kiss the papal ring. (Strike that, Francis won’t permit his ring to be kissed). Leo DiCaprio, Hollywood’s environmentalist who flew into Rome on his private jet, Katy Perry and her actor boyfriend, Orlando Bloom (see photo above). Katy preached at the Vatican on the value of Transcendental Meditation. Pop singer, Sting and wife Trudy, George and Amal Cooney, the ultimate globalist glam couple, Salma Hayek and her billionaire French husband, to name a few of the rich and famous touted by the Pope of the Poor.

Bergoglio understands the important role that celebrity plays in the radicalization of the global culture. It’s cool and hip to support climate change, like Hollywood hunk, Leo DiCaprio. The teeny boppers all love Katy Perry’s racy anthem to lesbianism, I kissed a Girl. Radical issues get traction when they are embraced through the celebrity inculturation and endorsement. Oh, the societal muck stirred by Madonna’s sexual mania. Hollywood pushes the envelope by music and film, indoctrinates the children and ultimately, normalizes the abnormal.


Vatican Conference Celebrities

Nearly every constituency is represented by the celebrities speaking at the health conference. The Vatican has assembled a breathtaking array of political, cultural, sports, and entertainment honchos. Suppress your guffaws!

Renee Fleming, Opera Star will speak at the conference. Opera lovers are her constituency.

Cindy Crawford, model and Home Shopping Network maven and beauty product huckster is speaking at the conference on Beauty Inside and Out. Cindy is also pro abortion, but that is irrelevant for the globalist Vatican.

Joe Perry, lead singer of the rock band, Arrowsmith. The Vatican understands that Rock fans need to be represented.

Jane Goodall, Animal lovers even have their own celebrity! Even though Jane is virulently pro-population control, the Vatican values inclusivity over pro life.

Kerry Kennedy, liberal daughter of Robert Kennedy, ex-wife of Andrew Cuomo. Kerry’s book Being Catholic Now highlights the virtues of her close friend, serial sexual predator Cardinal Ted McCarrick.. Kerry dedicates a chapter to McCarrick. She describes McCarrick “as a breath of fresh air.” Did Ted McCarrick secure an invitation for Kerry to attend the conference? It’s quite curious that Kerry who has no expertise in health care is invited, but her brother, Robert Kennedy, Jr. who is an expert in the danger of vaccines and the impact on children’s health. Bobby does not get an invitation to speak at the Vatican?

Deepak Chopra-Representing navel gazers

Brandon Marshall-former NFL player, representing the sports fans.

Watch carefully the strategy and tactics of the globalist Vatican. This is pure propaganda to further the completion of the Great Reset. Remember the plan articulated by the father of Davos and the Great Reset Herr Klaus Schwab. “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world.”

Be on guard, resist, and reclaim our world from the elite globalists and their celebrity flunkies.